Flash Membership

£29.99 pm
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We’ve reduced our single-site membership price to £29.99/month from January 1st to March 31st 2025! New members can benefit from this from today!⁠ Prices will revert to normal from 1st April 2025.

Existing members will automatically receive this deal from 1st January 2025! 🎉⁠

Benefit from continuous climbing with our Monthly Subscription for our Swindon site. This subscription offers easy & unlimited access to Flashpoint Swindon. If you’re regularly climbing at Swindon only, then this membership is for you!🎉

Climb as often as your fingers can handle it, whenever we’re open!


Membership Perks

⚡ Free kit hire.*

⚡ Faster check in.

⚡ Free guest passes.**

⚡ No joining fee & no minimum term.

⚡ Discounted sessions, events & retail.

⚡ Valid at all of our centres.

* personal use only, excl. chalk.

** 2 per day, new guests only

Prepaid Memberships:
Your prepaid membership will be billed once, upfront. There are no ongoing payments; once the membership has expired, you will be returned to a PAYG customer.
● Single payment, no ongoing payments.
● Prepaid memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable.
● Freeze your prepaid membership for up to 1-month in any 12-month period.
● Add under 18s to your membership for a monthly fee for the remaining time on your membership. You must be checked-in and in the climbing area when they are climbing.
● We reserve the right to change the prices and benefits of membership at any time. Any changes will be communicated to you via email and on our website (changes will not be applied retrospectively).

Monthly Subscription Memberships:
Your monthly subscription will be automatically billed monthly on, or just after, the 1st of each month.
● Freeze your membership for up to 1-month in any 12-month period.
● Add under 18s to your membership for a monthly fee for the remaining time on your membership. You must be checked-in and in the climbing area when they are climbing.
● To terminate or freeze your membership, you must complete a digital membership
change form on our website or in-house kiosks no later than 5 days before the end
of the month. Requests at reception, phone or email will not be processed.
● We reserve the right to change the prices and benefits of membership at any time. Any changes will be communicated to you via email and on our website (changes will not be applied retrospectively).

Punch Card:
Your punch card will be billed once, upfront. There are no ongoing payments, once the punches expire, you will be returned to a PAYG customer.
● Single payment, no ongoing payments.
● We reserve the right to change the prices and benefits of punch cards at any time. Any changes will be communicated to you via email and on our website (changes will not be applied retrospectively).

⚡ Free kit hire.*

⚡ Faster check in.

⚡ Free guest passes.**

⚡ No joining fee & no minimum term.

⚡ Discounted sessions, events & retail.

⚡ Valid at all of our centres.

* personal use only, excl. chalk.

** 2 per day, new guests only

Prepaid Memberships:
Your prepaid membership will be billed once, upfront. There are no ongoing payments; once the membership has expired, you will be returned to a PAYG customer.
● Single payment, no ongoing payments.
● Prepaid memberships are non-refundable and non-transferable.
● Freeze your prepaid membership for up to 1-month in any 12-month period.
● Add under 18s to your membership for a monthly fee for the remaining time on your membership. You must be checked-in and in the climbing area when they are climbing.
● We reserve the right to change the prices and benefits of membership at any time. Any changes will be communicated to you via email and on our website (changes will not be applied retrospectively).

Monthly Subscription Memberships:
Your monthly subscription will be automatically billed monthly on, or just after, the 1st of each month.
● Freeze your membership for up to 1-month in any 12-month period.
● Add under 18s to your membership for a monthly fee for the remaining time on your membership. You must be checked-in and in the climbing area when they are climbing.
● To terminate or freeze your membership, you must complete a digital membership
change form on our website or in-house kiosks no later than 5 days before the end
of the month. Requests at reception, phone or email will not be processed.
● We reserve the right to change the prices and benefits of membership at any time. Any changes will be communicated to you via email and on our website (changes will not be applied retrospectively).

Punch Card:
Your punch card will be billed once, upfront. There are no ongoing payments, once the punches expire, you will be returned to a PAYG customer.
● Single payment, no ongoing payments.
● We reserve the right to change the prices and benefits of punch cards at any time. Any changes will be communicated to you via email and on our website (changes will not be applied retrospectively).

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